Project Status and Next Steps
The redesign of Washington Street has begun. Following the development of the Preferred Alternative design for the corridor, the project team has begun progressing the design through the necessary next steps.
Washington Street Design Review Committee
The Design Review Committee (DRC) voted to approve the Washington Street Corridor Complete Street Project as presented in the plan dated January 22, 2025, and forward to the Transportation Board, Select Board, and MassDOT for advancement. Two items will be incorporated as the project advances:
- Wayfinding signage will be incorporated into the project
- A Parking Study and Curb Analysis will be conducted for Brookline Village
The DRC voted eight to two, with one member absent, to advance the preferred alternative.
Transportation Board
On February 5, 2025, the Transportation Board voted to advance the Washington Street Complete Streets Preferred Alternative for submission to the Select Board and MassDOT, with an amendment to include a parking study for Brookline Village and Washington Square. The Transportation Board vote was unanimous, with four yes and zero no votes.
Select Board
On February 11, 2025, the Select Board voted to approve the Washington Street Complete Streets Preferred Design Alternative, as voted by the Transportation Board at its February 5, 2025 meeting, and to advance that design to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation with a letter of support. Bernard Greene, Michael Sandman, Paul Warren, and David Pearlman voted in favor, while John VanScoyoc voted against advancing the design.
The Select Board also voted that its continued support of the Washington Street Complete Streets project remains contingent upon: (1) The inclusion of improved wayfinding in Brookline Village, (2) Parking/Curb Use Studies in Brookline Village and Washington Square with findings to be reviewed by the Select Board before submission of the 75% design milestone, and (3) Creation of advisory groups for the Parking/Curb Use studies to capture local stakeholders’ perspectives and insights, and (4) Regular reports to the Select Board on the progress of the project and matters of concern to the public. All five Select Board members voted in favor of these four conditions.
Next Steps
The Preferred Design Alternative will next be submitted to the state Department of Transportation for review. Once MassDOT has reviewed the design and provided feedback, the Town will hold a 25% design review public hearing.